In the V7ndotcom Elursrebmem SEO contest,
we raised $5,141.50 for Celiac Disease Research ... so what the heck, lets
try to raise some more money and awareness for a good cause in the
carcasherdotcom seocontest competition.
Why you want this page to win the carcasherdotcom SEO Contest
Current carcasherdotcom seocontest Search Results at Google - MSN - Yahoo January 13th, 2007 Update: We finished #7 in Google, but prizes are only awarded for the top finisher. However, we supported Marcus Westburg's entry and helped push him to the #1 spot. In appreciation, he donated $1,000 to the University of Maryland Center for Celiac Research. Thank you Marcus & everyone who supported this site ... and please considering helping the GlobalWarming Awareness2007 charity site. |
Click, Copy, & Paste this HTML code onto
your Web Site to help Fight Celiac Disease!
Here is what that HTML code looks like
Carcasherdotcom seocontest in USA Today![]() |
The SEO's (Search Engine Optimizers) of the world are having yet
another SEO contest -
the goal is to rank #1 in Google, MSN, and Yahoo for the semi-nonsense
phrase "carcasherdotcom-seocontest" with monthly
cash prizes and a big set of prizes at the end of 2006 - detailed rules below.
I had previously entered my V7ndotcom Elursrebmem for Celiac Charity page in that SEO contest and when all the dust had settled, $5,141.50 was raised toward Celiac Disease Research. While I figured one SEO contest would be enough, the white hats who were helping me out said lets do another one to see if we can win some more for a good cause and further increase awareness - i.e. "Lets Crash the CarCash Contest!" As before, if this web site wins carcasherdotcom seo contest, all winnings should be paid directly to charity - specifically the University of Maryland Center for Celiac Research and as noted there, they'd be real appreciative. So if you want to try to win the carcasherdotcom contest for yourself, all the power to 'ya. But if you want to help win it for charity, then consider linking to this page using some permutation of carcasherdotcom and/or seocontest in the anchor text and I'll add you to the list of supporters. Note that the rules of the contest specifically prohibit any black hat techniques, so if you try to sabatoge this charity page, the HULK will smash you! ;-) While I'd prefer to remain anonymous throughout this process, I'll share that the reason I'm doing this is because my two kids have Celiac Disease - an intolerance of gluten, which is in barley, rye, wheat, etc. This is not a food allergy, but an autoimmune disorder (like diabetes), so it is not something you grow out of. It is often un/mis-diagnosed, so raising awareness is another reason I'm doing this. Plus I'd love to see a cure so when my kids grow up, I would be able to go out and have a beer & pizza with them. Along those lines, a supporter from the Canadian Rockies paid for a press release and when I asked how I could thank him, he said: "You can pay me back when your kids grow up and you guys go for beers and chicken wings. Call me and I'll try to be there and we can chuckle over this contest" - thanx Frank! |
There is also a Plasma TV, Sony PSP, and Apple iPod for the website that ranks #1 in GYM on December 31st. While I could use an updated TV, I don't need the other two items ... and I want everything to go to charity anyway ... so if I win those, I'll ask CarCashers if they could donate the retail price of those items to Celiac Research instead.
The final prize is a $12,000 SEO project for 2007. I'm 99.99% certain I am not personally interested in this - I only do this stuff as a hobby. But several of the white hats do this professionally, so while I haven't figured out all the details, if this site does win that award, it would probably go to one of them.
The CarCasher website goes on to say "No dirty SEO techniques" which is easy for me - I wear a green hat! It also says I have to have an Email address for awarding of the prizes - you can contact me at carcasherdotcom.seocontest followed by the domain name ... but any winnings should just paid via credit card using the University of Maryland online donation form and please specify SEO contest. And finally, to qualify for the prize, the web site must says "We support CarCasher.Com"
Again, if this page wins, payment will be made directly to the University of Maryland Center for Celiac Disease Research - I will never see/touch the money - how often do you see that on all those web sites for charity?
2006/01/23: Alex from CarCasher.Com announces SEO contest in SEOGuy forums with official rules. I'm too busy with the V-E SEO contest and other stuff to compete.
2006/02/24: Another reason I'm participating in these SEO contests is to increase awareness of Celiac Disease. Research by Dr. Fasano at the University of Maryland (the folks I'm trying to win for) indicates that one out of 133 people have Celiac Disease. From personal experience, I can attest it is often un/mis-diagnosed ... spending 4 days at Children's Hospital with your one-year old son and being told he has "failure to thrive" (which is a generic diagnosis meaning we don't know why he is wasting away) is no fun. So it was satisfying to get this Email today from someone in the SEO contest. I was watching 9 news this morning and saw a bakery that is run by a lady with two boys that have celiac disease. Everything is gluten free. At first I wondered if it was your wife and then she said her last name was Pool so I figure it was not. Looked like some really good food actually, pizza and everything. You probably already know about them. Funny i probably would not have batted an eye at this before, but I was have awake and heard them mention celiac disease and was wide awake! Funny what a little awareness can do to you. If nothing else I think this contest has taught some people about it. My wife was actually at Deby's Gluten Free Bakery and Cafe just a few weeks ago - her comment was that it was sooooo nice to walk into a place to eat and just order off the menu without having to worry about stuff.
2006/03/01: Forum posters have expressed doubts if the CarCasherdotcom Seo contest is real and if payments will be paid. CarCasher awards first monthly prizes to March Winners (and subsequent months) ... next question! ;-)
2006/05/15: The v7ndotcom elursrebmem SEO Contest ends and our entry places 4th ... but a site we helped out wins in a photo finish and had previously graciously offered to donate half to Celiac. Payments were made in the next two days, and $5,141.50 ended up going toward Celiac Disease Research.
2006/05/16: The v7ndotcom elursrebmem white hats ask how they can raise more money/awareness for Celiac and say "Lets Crash the CarCash Contest"
2006/05/17: This Carcashdotcom seocontest page goes live and spiders from Google, MSN, and Yahoo all come by so we are off to the races and we'll see what happens - wish me luck! ;-)
2006/05/20: This web site was first seen in MSN (#29) two days after going live. Google (#36) followed about a day later ... and despite typically updating the fastest during the V-E contest, no results seen in Yahoo yet.
2006/05/24: It took a week, but we finally showed up in Yahoo ... at #51. We've moved up to #10 in MSN and #26 in Google - Yahoooooo! I've had a fair number of people graciously link to this charity site, so I'm hopeful we'll see some upward movement in the SEOcontest in the next couple of weeks.
2006/06/01: We dropped to #21 in MSN, but moved up to #11 in Yahoo and I've seen us as high as #18 in Google.
2006/06/28: We have been slowly (but hopefully surely!) moving up in the rankings. Currently at #12 in Google, #14 in MSN, and #7 in Yahoo. There's another funky SEO contest sponsored by this funny video site where they are giving away $500 in a random drawing on August 1st - read more in their blog.
2006/07/14: Not much to report ... we bounced around a bit with no major moves unfortunately. Currently seeing this site at #18 in Google, #15 in MSN, and we've moved up to #4 in Yahoo - would like more of that!
2006/08/25: Good News: Google has bumped us up to #7 - Bad News: We've dropped to #13 in Yahoo - No News: Still #15 in MSN.
2006/09/17: Not much to report - have bounced around a bit, but still #7 for carcasherdotcom seocontest in Google and teens for MSN and Yahoo.
2006/09/27: Have moved up to #6 in MSN - still #7 in Google and #13 in Yahoo.
2006/10/26: Just can't seem to budge - #8 in Google and #6 in MSN ... but Yahoo no longer "likes" this site as we dropped to #124 ... wonder if they liked these halloween decorations?!? ;-)
2006/11/11: Still not moving much - #8 in Google, #17 in MSN, and Yahoo still doesn't like me.
2006/12/01: Once again, no major update. One month to go, so obviously we'd need a decent move in the last 30 days - wish me luck! And since it is the holiday season, you might enjoy listening to free christmas music while checking out the christmas decorations ... and keep an eye out for the Big Red Guy on the Santa Tracker.
2006/12/23: Last week of the contest. This site has moved up to #6, but since prizes are only given out for the top spot, it would take a Christmas miracle for this to pop up there - will all be over soon, so we'll find out! ;-)
2007/01/13: We finished #7 in Google, but prizes are only awarded for the top finisher. However, we supported Marcus Westburg's entry and helped push him to the #1 spot. In appreciation, he donated $1,000 to the University of Maryland Center for Celiac Research. Thank you Marcus and everyone who supported this site.